Modern Slavery Statement

Written by Everlight News Desk

on Aug 9, 2022

Modern Slavery Statement
Version 2.0
For period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025
About Everlight Radiology Limited 
Everlight is the largest global teleradiology company operating in the UK. Everlight reports over 850,000 studies per year for UK clients and 1.8 million examinations worldwide. Everlight is the largest teleradiology provider operating in the UK with 300+ GMC specialist, FRCR (or equivalent) radiologists with a minimum of 2 years NHS consultant experience. In addition to the 55 NHS trusts we support in the UK, we also provide services to hospitals in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand – over 200 hospitals in total. 

Everlight has 15 global offices, nine UK offices including a head office in London. Our radiologists report from hubs across the UK and Australia and from home globally. Everlight are specialists in global radiologist recruitment and have NHS consultant, GMC, FRCR radiologists in 31 countries. 
Everlight has NHS consultant radiologists in every major time zone. Reporting during their daytime hours, our radiologists are geographically located to maximise clinical quality and therefore not susceptible to fatigue related discrepancies associated with working during the night. Everlight are specialists in emergency/urgent radiology reporting, reporting 100% more examinations than any other provider operating in the UK. 
Everlight provide Urgent and Routine reporting services to our clients, which include CT, MRI and Plain Film reports. 
Supply Chain at Everlight 
Everlight employs directly, and contracts with, consultant radiologists to perform remote access teleradiology in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Our clinicians provide vital medical reporting to the healthcare systems we support. Everlight sources goods and services either directly or through recognised distribution/reseller channels. The protection of our environmental and human rights in the supply chain is of the highest importance to us, as is patient care. Everlight applies due diligence to the selection of suppliers from reputable organisations, ensuring that key values are mirrored in the supplier organisations selected. 
At Everlight Radiology we work on developing a sustainable business and fostering a culture of sustainable and environmentally responsible values across our business. As we are a service provider, we do not require physical production facilities and as such do not consume heavily on natural resources associated with these business models. However, we do aim to reduce our impact on the environment through how we deliver our services. 
We acknowledge the current global challenges in terms of environment and natural resources, and we recognise our part in reducing our resource use, and ecological footprint by the most effective and efficient sustainable practise. 
Everlight Radiology Policies 
Everlight believes that all employees should be treated with respect, dignity and fairness at work. In accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy we are committed to treating all our employees equally and to creating an environment where all our employees can feel comfortable and able to fulfil their potential. 

All radiologists and employees working at Everlight Radiology Limited are required to abide by our Code of Conduct which is designed to promote an environment of the highest ethical and corporate standards. Our number one principle is to respect the rights and dignity of all individuals. 
Regular Review of Practise 
At Everlight, we regularly assess our supply chain to ensure that any potential risks of modern slavery are mitigated against. This continued approach to review, and assessment will ensure that Everlight standards and expectations are upheld, and compliance achieved. 
Ongoing Training and Support 
Everlight has a dedicated Radiologist Engagement team which is responsible for the pastoral care and wellbeing of our reporting colleagues. Our dedicated People and Culture team support all colleagues in understanding our policies and procedures and ensure that these are kept regularly updated and in line with evolving guidelines. All new employees are fully trained on Everlight policies, and all staff have access centrally to the most recent versions. 
Statement Approval 
This statement is made pursuant to Section 5491 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Everlight Radiology Limited’s annual statement for the financial year ending 31st of March 2024. It has been reviewed and approved by the global leadership team. 
Approved by Daniel Sourial, Chief Executive Officer at Everlight Radiology Limited on 01/04/2024 
Daniel Sourial 
Chief Executive Officer 
Everlight Radiology